Weekly Update #18 (1/4/22)

4 min readApr 11, 2022

Welcome back Jolters, also, happy April Fools!

As per usual, it’s been a fast paced and efficient week, with numerous updates across our code (over 3,000 updates to be exact!) and lots of new exciting news. Without any further delay, let’s get into the week.


We have just received confirmation on the dates for our 3rd round of the IEO!!!!!

This will be your last chance Jolters to purchase some JOLT at the IEO before we launch on the exchanges later in the month!

Round 3

Price 0.2 USDT

Phase Start time 2022–04–08 15:00 KST

Phase End time 2022–04–25 15:00 KST

Bonus rate (other quote currencies) 20%

Bonus rate (PROB) 22%

Minimum purchase quantity 5 JOLT

Total Allocation (Max. Purchase Quantity — with sales bonus) 6,250,000 JOLT


There has been a huge buzz this week, with the announcement of Joltify agreeing to a 3rd round of IEO with Probit Global. The exact date is yet to be announce, but it’s awfully exciting to have formally agreed to a third round.

Check out the chat above, there are some members who were talking about us being listed on CMC or CoinGecko, some even thought that we we had the potential to be top 10 by the end of the year.

What was even more exciting, is that Joltify co-founder Ben commented and agreed that we can hopefully be listed on both, which enstills a lot of confidence into our community.

We also had some talk in the community surrounding the safety and security of JOLTIFY, as RONIN’s safety was compromised this week, which lead to the question.

Our system is very safe and we have some of the best cyber security in the world.



This week, we have made some awesome improvements to the Joltify Chain Bridge, specific to the outbound tx processing.

We have managed to update more than 3,000 lines of code. Below is a breakdown of what we have done.

  1. Optmised the outbound tx which can now handle 5,000 outbound transactions in parallel.
  2. We fixed some bugs that initially failed the note to check the existing transactions.
  3. Fixed the bug that was stopping the bridge to quit normally.

We have also tested the outbound t with the Binance Smart Chain Test Network. The screenshot shows that the bridge can now handle a large amount of outbound tx in parallel.


We’re really excited about this one, you can check out the demo and play around with it. 👇🏼

So, what exactly did we do this week?

We added a link on the front-end to jump to block explorer.

Use Websocket event to listen to balances change and update ont he webpage in real-time.

Showed IBC transfer on Keplr wallet. Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) allows you to transfer tokens between different Cosmos networks, for example, transferring the JOLT tokens from Joltify Chain into the Cosmos Hub. You can learn more about IBC here

We did way more updates than we have mentioned here, we have just brought up the highlights of it.

If you’d like to keep up to date with our changes, you can assess all of the code in our GIT.


Another strong and satisfying week by the team, we expect to be able to announce when our third round of IEO will be over the next week or so.

Our development team has done an exceptionally job this week and their output has been phenomenal.

