Weekly Update #10

3 min readJan 28, 2022

It’s that time of the week again, where we share the progress of Joltify, by outlining the contributions of our core team members.

First things first, we’re getting EXTREMELY close to our IEO, so please, make sure that you have set everything you need up on Probit Global so that you avoid missing out on getting your hands on some Joltify and investing in this project.


We had three excellent AMA’s over the past week or so. A very special shoutout to:


They were all very well attended and all three communities were fantastic to engage with!

We literally had over 10,000 questions from the collective communities, and it was fantastic to see the level of thought that people went to in asking to ask about the different prospects and concepts of our project. We love explaining things and further educating our own, and the broader crypto community on Joltify, as a platform.


Our most recent AMA’s have been mostly Telegram orientated, where people send in questions and one of our core team members has joined in live time to respond via writing.

We’re doing one more LIVE AMA, with audio! That’s right, Johnny McClutch and Garythebeast will be back again on Wednesday to do another audio AMA. So, if you enjoyed the last one, or missed out, you can catch them from 6–7pm AEST.


Joltify Bridge Update

This week, the team placed more of their efforts into focusing on the stability of Joltify Bridge. In total, there were 906 lines of code updated to the Joltify Chain.

So, what were the updates?

  1. Refactor the code to make the logic of the bridge to be more clear and concise.
  2. To remove the ERC20 contract subscription and retrieve the token to top-up message directly from the BSC block.
  3. We optimised the inbound transaction process scheme, to allow for processing transactions in parallel.
  4. Optimised the retry, to the scheme. This then fixed the bug which was inconsistent in the retry order.

According to our most recent testing, the bridge can now process different inbound transaction parallel, without any errors.

Competitor Analysis and Audit

Naturally, with any platform, we need to research and audit competitors, to ensure that analyse the elements of code and UI/UX that are performing really well, but also, look at areas that we think should be improved so that we can make Joltify a truly remarkable platform.

With this in mind, we spent many hours this week, essentially planning our next steps out, so that we can be a market leader.


Another week passed, and another week of progress! You’ll be able to catch us on our last AMA prior to IEO on Thursday from 6–7pm. Also, this is the last weekly report for our IEO, the time has finally come! Please make sure you are ready and have set up everything on your Probit account.

